Understanding Disc Herniation in the Lumbar & Cervical Regions
Neuro Surgeon
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Disc herniation occurs when the strong, elastic discs between the vertebral bodies of the spinal column develop cracks and herniate, causing discomfort and neurological symptoms. Here’s what you need to know :
Anatomy of Discs
Discs act as cushions between spinal vertebrae, absorbing shocks and facilitating movement. Over time, these discs may lose elasticity and develop fissures, making them susceptible to herniation.
Causes of Disc Herniation
Sudden and unexpected forces on the spine, such as awkward bending or lifting, can cause disc material to herniate outside its normal confines. This herniation can compress nerve roots and the spinal cord, leading to symptoms like back pain, radiating pain, and neurological deficits.
Symptoms of Disc Herniation
The symptoms of disc herniation vary depending on the location and severity of the herniation. They may include back pain, radiating pain along the limbs, weakness, numbness, and difficulty in performing daily activities.
Treatment Approach
Resting the spine and avoiding weight-bearing activities can help alleviate symptoms and allow the herniated disc to return to its normal position. Painkillers like NSAIDs may provide relief. However, if symptoms are severe or persistent, it’s essential to consult a doctor promptly.
When to Seek Medical Attention
Consult a doctor if you experience severe or excruciating radiating pain, numbness in the limbs, or difficulty in walking or grasping objects. Symptoms like difficulty in passing urine should also prompt immediate medical evaluation.
By understanding the causes and symptoms of disc herniation and seeking timely medical attention, individuals can effectively manage this condition and prevent further complications.