Neuro Degenerative

Neuro Degenerative Conditions

Why our Neuro Surgeons are Best?

Our Neuro Surgeons excel with over 20 years expertise and vast knowledge in neurosurgery. Renowned for precise diagnoses and innovative treatments, they ensure optimal patient care and outcomes, making them leaders in their field.

Precision Surgery
Minimally Invasive
Integrated Care


Neurodegenerative conditions are progressive disorders that cause the degeneration of the nervous system, leading to various physical and cognitive impairments. Our rehabilitation programs are tailored to support patients with these conditions through specialized fall prevention programs, flexibility training, and cognitive retraining aimed at enhancing independence in mobility and activities of daily living.
Conditions We Address

Our expertise covers a range of neurodegenerative conditions, including:

1. Parkinson’s Disease : Characterized by tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia (slowness of movement), and postural instability.
2. Parkinson-plus Syndromes : A group of disorders that include additional symptoms not typically seen in Parkinson’s disease, such as multiple system atrophy and progressive supranuclear palsy.
3. Alzheimer’s / Dementia : Involves progressive memory loss, cognitive decline, and difficulty with daily activities.
4. Multiple System Atrophy : A rare condition that affects multiple systems in the body, leading to impairments in movement, balance, and autonomic functions.
5. Hereditary and Non-hereditary Ataxias : Disorders that cause a loss of coordination and balance due to damage to the cerebellum.

Common Symptoms and Rehabilitation Focus

Individuals affected by these neurodegenerative conditions often experience a range of symptoms. Our rehabilitation programs focus on addressing these specific symptoms to improve the quality of life for our patients:

1. Impaired Walking and Balance
  • Symptoms : Frequent falls and fractures.
  • Rehabilitation Focus : Our fall prevention program includes balance training, strength exercises, and environmental modifications to reduce fall risk.
2. Memory Impairment
  • Symptoms : Difficulty remembering recent events, names, and tasks.
  • Rehabilitation Focus : Cognitive retraining exercises aim to enhance memory functions and improve daily living skills.
3. Swallow Impairment
  • Symptoms : Difficulty swallowing, leading to silent aspiration of food and liquids.
  • Rehabilitation Focus : Speech and language therapists provide swallow therapy and dietary modifications to ensure safe swallowing and nutrition.
4. Abnormal Coordination of Movements
  • Symptoms : Poor coordination of the arms and legs.
  • Rehabilitation Focus : Coordination exercises and occupational therapy help improve motor skills and facilitate smoother movement patterns.
5. Difficulty Initiating Movements
  • Symptoms : Slow performance in tasks, hesitation in starting movements.
  • Rehabilitation Focus : Techniques such as cueing, task segmentation, and practice of daily activities help patients initiate and perform movements more effectively.
6. Muscle Weakness
  • Symptoms : Weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs.
  • Rehabilitation Focus : Strength training and flexibility exercises target muscle groups to improve strength and endurance.
Comprehensive Care Team

Our neurodegenerative condition care team includes:

  • Rehabilitation
  • Physicians
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech and Language
  • Therapists
  • Clinical
  • Neuropsychologists
  • Remedial Trainers

Each patient receives a customized rehabilitation plan designed to meet their individual needs. Our goal is to enhance the patient’s ability to function independently, both at home and in the community, by addressing the specific challenges posed by their condition. Through a combination of physical, cognitive, and occupational therapies, we strive to improve the overall quality of life for our patients.

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